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 Yasahiro Uyeda

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Yasahiro Uyeda

Yasahiro Uyeda

Posts : 1
Join date : 2011-02-28

Yasahiro Uyeda Empty
PostSubject: Yasahiro Uyeda   Yasahiro Uyeda EmptyMon Feb 28, 2011 8:31 pm

Name:Yasahiro Uyeda

Alias:Yoh Hiro




Sexuality: Straight

Personality:Yasahiro Uyeda is a kind young man. He thinks that everyone deserves a second chance in life. He doesn't mind fighting as much as he use too. Though he prefers to read books and stay away from most fights. But when someone he care for needs help he doesn't hesitate. He fights for the good of everything. When he is fighting he seems to almost be inhuman or a demon himself. Because he doesn't care if he gets sliced or not. He is always the demon on the battle field. Yasahiro Uyeda loves to read books. He is always reading something if anything he is looking at the bookstore.

Yasahiro Uyeda doesn't really care much about Females or males. HE sees them as equals if not higher ranking them him. But he would treat them with respect anyway. But if someone doesn't show him respect he would not show them respect and fight for him. And if they don't like him thats not his problem he would leave them alone. His other pet peeve is when other act like their on a higher playing ground then him.

History:Age 3: When Yasahiro Uyeda was age three he had always been picked on by the girls at his school.Ever since they could learn to talk he had never been treated right they always called him a dummy and picked on him. Played pranks on him and much more. though he continued to play with them he really didn't understand until he got to understand what it meant the more and more they called him that. He had never really thought-en about it after wards he started to spend less and less time with them. He started to hang out alone always sitting in the back not listening to the other kids making fun of him it got on his nerves at times when they would not leave him alone and he got suspended for hitting a kid.They always poked him threw stuff at him then that one day he cracked and punched the kid.

Age 5: Soon his parent had become drug addicts. Always wasting money on buying drugs and not food. Soon they lost their jobs and their way of life and blamed it on him. they always beat him and always called him names till he finally cracked he couldn't take it anymore. He sneaked into their rooms one night and slashed them to death. When the police came and saw him sitting there smiling covered in blood holding the knife. They where all starring at him. They had heard of his past and how his parent where and didn't believe that he would do something like this on purpose. They had decided to take him to a place where he could be safer and more polite and not have to worry about anything ever again or so they told him. He grew up being watched over by the police and other people. Soon he had became a threat and they knew that this wasn't good if he continued to remember his past.

10: At school he was picked on when he finally went back. he was called a freak and a murder which was true he had been a murder he had murdered his own parents. It was the same routine as always. Go to school get picked on go home sleep go back get picked on by the girls again go home sleep then go back to be picked on by everyone. He finally had enough of it. He went back one day to finally lose it. He started to beat up and boy name Toshirko he had been making fun of him and was one of the best jocks in the school. No one expected that little Yasahiro Uyeda could take down such a big guy. The two of them fought for hours before Toshiko was crying and asking him to stop. But Yasahiro Uyeda continued to beat on him. Finally a teacher came around the corner to see all the others beat up and Yasahiro Uyeda standing there covered in blood. the teacher had heard of his past and called the cops since he was smiling. Yasahiro Uyeda was sentenced to be stuck in another jail with the same charges as last time.

Age 18 : Hiro had been fighting constantly with the girls until he meet one that seemed to be different. they had spent three years together having fun hanging out and talking with one another. Soon he realized what it felt like to love someone and he understood it completely. He spent every minute fantasiHirong over her. Nothing went about unnoticed between the two love birds. Everyone seemed to enjoy being around the new happy Yasahiro Uyeda. One day he was betrayed by her. They where sitting in bed talking then someone burst into the door. He stood up in front of her only to be stabbed in the back by a knife his blood went everywhere. he looked up to see the man in front of him smiling and then kissing the girl he had fell in love with he was pissed he tried to get up but couldn't he couldn't move a muscle. Everything was black. He couldn't do anything. Soon his vision faded and everything went cold. Only hearing laughs of the one he loved. Yasahiro Uyeda then stood up and starred at the two of them almost about to die bleeding out he generated what seemed to be like a sword and slashed through the two. The police came in and Yasahiro Uyeda said it was in defense and the police nodded. "We know." Is all they said.

Strength: Yasahiro has a unnatural strength and also has a strong protection for his friends.

Weaknesses: He is weakened when his opponent has one of his friends and he has to help them he will do anything his enemy wants him to do.


Type of flame?:Snow flame ( http://reborn.wikia.com/wiki/Snow_Flame )


Name of the family:Not in a family
Rank in the family:Not in a family
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Cloud Star

Cloud Star

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Join date : 2011-02-11

Yasahiro Uyeda Empty
PostSubject: Re: Yasahiro Uyeda   Yasahiro Uyeda EmptyMon Feb 28, 2011 8:35 pm

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